RATIONES RERUM 20: Articolo Giuseppe Squillace


Profumiere e venditore di profumi. Considerazioni su μυρεψός e μυροπώλης tra VI e III secolo a.C.

Anno edizione: 2022
Formato 17×24 – 425-448
ISBN 9788899846916 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 8,00

SKU: 9788899846916-25 Categoria:


Rationes Rerum 20

Profumiere e venditore di profumi. Considerazioni su μυρεψός e μυροπώλης tra VI e III secolo a.C.

This article describes the difference between the μυρεψός and the μυροπώλης: the former developed recipes for perfumes; the latter sold them. Although in the ancient world it is not possible to distinguish clearly the precise role of these two figures, and often the manufacturer was also the seller, nevertheless in the field of perfumery a μυρεψός could also be a μυροπώλης (as in the case of the famous perfumer Megallos), but a μυροπώλης could not be a μυρεψός, because he did not possess the knowledge necessary to develop a fragrance.