RATIONES RERUM 19: Articolo Nicola Mancini


Frinico, fr. 4 Snell – Kannicht: alcune considerazioni

Anno edizione: 2022
Formato 17×24 – pp. 39-50
ISBN 9788899846800-2 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 8,00

SKU: 9788899846800-2 Categoria:


Rationes Rerum 19

Frinico, fr. 4 Snell – Kannicht: alcune considerazioni

Phrinichus’ fragment 4 Snell – Kannicht, transmitted by Hesychius (ε 195) and belonging to the tragedy The Danaids, is commonly interpreted as ἔγκαρπα. This is how it is printed in the first volume of the TrGF as well as in some of the most recent editions of Phrynichus. This article carries out a careful analysis of the entry as transmitted by Hesychius’ codex unicus (Marc. Gr. Z. 622) and an investigation of ancient lexica’s modalities of quotation and comment. It argues that the tragic fragment passed down by Hesychius is ἔγκαρτα – the lemma of the lexicon’s entry – and not ἔγκαρπα, which turns out to be an interpretamentum of the commented-upon passage. Some attempts to contextualize the fragment conclude the article.