RATIONES RERUM 19: Articolo Gianmarco Bianchini – Gian Luca Gregori


Virgilio epigrafico. La prima testimonianza su pietra di Aen. 1, 5-6

Anno edizione: 2022
Formato 17×24 – pp. 99-114
ISBN 9788899846800-6 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 8,00

SKU: 9788899846800-6 Categoria:


Rationes Rerum 19

Virgilio epigrafico. La prima testimonianza su pietra di Aen. 1, 5-6

This article contains a new quotation on stone of Vergil Aeneid 1, 5-6 (multa quoque et bello passus dum conderet urbem inferretque deos Latio genus unde Latinum). Given its paleographic and stylistic peculiarities, the inscription – of unknown origin – may be dated to the 2nd or early 3rd century AD. A systematic survey of the literary occurrences of these two lines is also given, together with a review of the other cases of epigraphic citations from Virgil longer than one line, either taken out of context or adapted to a sepulchral reference.