RATIONES RERUM 23: Articolo Alessia Prontera
8,00 €
Per l’esegesi di Ausonio, Cento nuptialis 107
Anno edizione: 2024
Formato 17×24 – pp. 175-179
ISBN 9791281673052 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 8,00
- Descrizione
Rationes Rerum 23
Per l’esegesi di Ausonio, Cento nuptialis 107
This article examines the second hemistich of v. 107 of Ausonius’ Cento nuptialis, on which critics have often been divided. The expression pedibus per mutua nexis would be part of the description of the husband s phallus during the wedding night and not of the description of the intertwined bodies of the newlyweds. Its tangential connection with Proba’s Cento Vergilianus would no longer be explicable as a parodic allusion to this Christian writing.