RATIONES RERUM 19: Articolo Thomas R. Martin


A Life Lesson for a Conqueror: Alexander the φρενήρης and Candace of Meroe in the Greek Alexander Romance

Anno edizione: 2022
Formato 17×24 – pp. 51-77
ISBN 9788899846800-3 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 10,00

SKU: 9788899846800-3 Categoria:
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Rationes Rerum 19

A Life Lesson for a Conqueror: Alexander the φρενήρης and Candace of Meroe in the Greek Alexander Romance

This article examines the depiction of Alexander the Great as φρενήρης in the Greek Alexander Romance especially in the context of his interaction with Candace, the ruler of Meroe. As the only character in the story so described, Alexander displays his “practical intelligence” in anticipating and overcoming dangers – until he encounters Candace, a Black woman who outsmarts and captures him, thereby teaching him a life lesson about the consequences of underestimating those considered Others based on prejudicial assumptions about race and gender.