RATIONES RERUM 20: Articolo Gabriella Ottone


La maledizione su Methone nel caleidoscopio della propaganda. Teopompo, Demetrio di Scepsi e il (falso) problema dell’ambientazione argolica (Strabo 7 fr. 11a Radt e Strabo 8, 6, 15)

Anno edizione: 2022
Formato 17×24 – pp. 271-305
ISBN 9788899846916 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 10,00

SKU: 9788899846916-18 Categoria:


Rationes Rerum 20

La maledizione su Methone nel caleidoscopio della propaganda. Teopompo, Demetrio di Scepsi e il (falso) problema dell’ambientazione argolica (Strabo 7 fr. 11a Radt e Strabo 8, 6, 15)

This article offers a reinterpretation of a mythical episode handed down only by Strabo in two separate places (Geog. 7 fr. 11a Radt and 8, 6, 15, with quotations from Theopompus of Chius and Demetrius of Skepsis), centering on the curse cast by Agamemnon’s emissaries against the inhabitants of a city called Methone for their refusal to contribute to the Trojan expedition. The traditions underlying the two passages are explored in a new perspective that takes into account all the arguments in support of the possibility that the city evoked in the original plot of the tale was not Methone of Pieria, where Theopompos would have set it, but rather the homonymous city of Argolis, which Demetrios of Skepsis excluded.