Studi e ricerche sulle Marche nell’antichità


ISSN 0394-3968



Anno Edizione: 2014

Saggi e articoli
M. Mayer I Olivé, Una vez más sobre Tuscilius Nominatus y Ricina (C.I.L. IX 5746), p. 9-16
Abstract: Ricina’s inscription that remembers the concession of Tuscilius Nominatus’s inheritance to the city on the part of Trajan can help to understand the relations of the emperors with the cities and the attitude of the own Trajan before this type of inheritances. Ricina, Roman Epigraphy, Roman History, Trajan, Tuscilius Nominatus.
G. Paci, Iscrizioni romane di Numana, p. 17-39
Abstract: The Author presents two epigraphs of Numana (regio V), one of which is unpublished, found at different times in the last century: these are the first known Epigraphic documents whose provenance from this ancient centre is certain. Thus, we review the vicissitudes of a dedication to Emperor Numerian, of uncertain provenance, which Mommsen has attributed to this city. Numana, Roman funerary epigraphs, dedication to the Emperor Numerian.
Note e relazioni
G. Baratta, Il sarcofago romano destinato a San Romualdo nell’abbazia di San Salvotore a Valdicastro (AN): un caso di riutilizzo, p. 43-64
Riassunto: Il contributo verte su un sarcofago romano riutilizzato come sepoltura di San Romualdo nell’abbazia di Valdicastro. L’autopsia del pezzo ha rivelato l’esistenza di altre lettere pertinenti alla già nota iscrizione funeraria che lo correda e ha consentito di cambiare la datazione sinora proposta. Regio V, Tuficum, Valdicastro, San Romualdo, sarcofago, epigrafia.
M. G. Cerquetti, Una strada romana al Ghettarello di Ancona, p. 65-76
Riassunto: Gli scavi in loc. Ghettarello di Ancona hanno consentito di individuare una strada romana di collegamento fra l’entroterra e Ancona, in cui si propone di riconoscere il diverticolo della Flaminia detto via Prolaquensis o la via Octavia citata nel lapis Aesinensis, che in quest’ultimo tratto potevano anche coincidere. Viabilità, età romana, via Prolaquensis, via Octavia, lapis Aesinensis.
C. Conati Barbaro – C. La Marca – C. Silano, La neolitizzazione delle Marche: nuovi dati e prospettive di ricerca, p. 77-91
S. M. Marengo, Ancora sullo schiavo Rufus da Asculum Picenum, p. 93-99
Riassunto: La funzione di dispensator dello schiavo pubblico Rufus nell’iscrizione ascolana C.I.L. IX 5177 è stata attribuita all’arca della colonia, ma il contesto sembra piuttosto quello dell’anonima associazione che gode della distribuzione di denaro per la dedica del tempio e della statua. Asculum Picenum, evergetismo, dispensator, collegium, servus.
E. Stortoni, VIII campagna di scavo archeologico nell’area di Tifernum Mataurense (Sant’Angelo in Vado – PU): note preliminari, p. 101-120
Abstract: This article reports the principal results of the excavation campaign carried in the summer of 2007 by the University of Macerata for the rediscovery of the baths of Tifernum Mataurense, a mountain town in the upper valley of the Metauro on the Adriatic coast of ancient Umbria, now known as Sant’Angelo in Vado. The complex, in the neighbourhood called Colombaro, was uncovered in 1957-1959 by the Soprintendenza Archeologica delle Marche and then reburied for conservation. The current project, begun in 2003 with the collaboration of the Soprintendenza, the Comune of Sant’Angelo in Vado and the Province of Pesaro-Urbino have comprised annual campaigns until now, and form part of a larger project of research, conservation and presentation of the archaelogical area of Tifernum Mataurense, now almost fifteen years old. The object of this particular campaign 2007 was to rediscover the area Nord-Est along the ‘Testimone B’ of the bath, to excavate the ‘Testimone A’ and to carry on with the previous trenches ‘A’, ‘B’ placed along the central axis of the Cardo. Tifernum Mataurense, Sant’Angelo in Vado (PU), Roman baths, Roman mosaic.
Schede e notizie
S. Antolini, Una nuova iscrizione da Cupra Marittima, p. 123-131
Abstract: New funerary inscription on a circular monument found at Cupra Maritima, with the mention of a sexvir of the town and a VIII vir Augustalis that must have been member of the association at Falerio or at Firmum. Circular funerary monument, Cupra Maritima, seviratus, VIII viri Augustales.
F. Branchesi, A proposito dell’iscrizione del Museo Civico di Fano C.I.L. XI 8094=C.I.L. VI 34241=C.I.L. VI 37896, p. 133-141
Abstract: The article analyzes the history of the wrong attribution to Fanum Fortunae of the epigraph C.I.L. VI 34241 (= C.I.L. VI 37896), that, since 1899, has been considered as of local origin, and therefore it has been published among the inscriptions of the colony, before in C.I.L. XI 8094 and then in the catalogs on the local epigraphy. But it is extraneous to the territory, because in origin it belonged to the great epigraphic collection, entirely purchased in Rome, of ownership of the family Baviera of Senigallia. Fanum Fortunae, Roma, collecting of inscriptions, A. Guarnieri Ottoni, family Baviera.
E. Olivari, Nota a C.I.L. IX 5257, p. 143-145
Riassunto: Epigrafe funeraria proveniente da Ascoli Piceno e contenente il simbolo del theta nigrum. Epigrafia, Asculum Picenum, iscrizione funeraria, theta nigrum.
S. Petrelli, Ancona. Santa Maria della Piazza: per una rilettura della stratigrafia archeologica, p. 147-158
Abstract: Analysis of the wall structure of the basilica below the church of Santa Maria della Piazza and those behind it made by the writer in the year 2003 through the preparation of cards USM, filed with the office of the catalog of the Soprintendenza Archeologica per le Marche of Ancona. The building of the first phase of IV-V century it was set against the city walls late Republican running perpendicularly along Via Vanvitelli. The second phase (sixth century), however, are the structures belonging to the scope of the basilica and built for the expansion of the same. SantaMaria della Piazza, Late Roman walls, Early Christian basilica, IV-V century, VI century.
C. Ravara Montebelli, Giovan Battista Passeri e due pesi da telaio figurati dal pesarese, p. 159-167
Abstract: This paper analyzes the beginning of the history of studies of the roman fictile loom weights. Contrary to common beliefs, the first observations of this materials and speculation of their function use were not made by Cavedoni in 1841, but in the 1st half of the 18th century by Giovan Battista Passeri. He made the discovery in the area of Pesaro (place Cerciano e Fagnano) and described two fictile loom weights with figures, from which we are how making an attempt to interpret. Fictile loom weithts, Pesaro, history of studies, in relief figures.
E. Stortoni, Presentazione del mosaico con thiasos marino delle terme romane di Tifernum Mataurense, p. 169-182
Abstract: This article is a concise presentation of the mosaic with scene of see-thiasos, discovered in the summer of 2008 and 2009 by the University of Macerata for the rediscovery the area Nord-Est of the baths of Tifernum Mataurense, a mountain town in the upper valley of the Metauro on the Adriatic coast of ancient Umbria, now known as Sant’Angelo in Vado. The complex, in the neighbourhood called Colombaro, was uncovered in 1957-1959 by the Soprintendenza Archeologica delle Marche and then reburied for conservation. The current project, begun in 2003 with the collaboration of the Soprintendenza, the Comune of Sant’Angelo in Vado and the Province of Pesaro-Urbino have comprised annual campaigns until now. The object of these two campaigns 2008 and 2009 was to rediscover the area Nord-Est of the bath. Tifernum Mataurense, Sant’Angelo in Vado (PU), Roman baths, see- thiasos, Roman mosaic.
La città segreta. Urbino ipogea (C. Galeazzi), p. 185-186
Storia di Ascoli dai Piceni all’epoca romana (S. Antolini), p. 186-195 
Schede per località
Montecassiano (MC) (G. Postrioti), p. 195-203
Montefano (MC) (G. Postrioti), p. 205-208
Montefelcino (PU) (C. Delfino), p. 209-214
Montefiore dell’Aso (AP) (F. Demma), p. 215-218
Montefortino (FM) (F. Demma), p. 219-221
Montegallo (AP) (F. Demma), p. 223-224
Monte Giberto (AP) (M. Pasqualini), p. 225-228
Montegiorgio (AP) (M. Pasqualini), p. 229-242
Montegranaro (AP) (M. Pasqualini), p. 243-249
A cura di F. Cancrini – M. Pasqualini – G. Paci, p. 251-259
Mario Luni: 1944-2014 (O. Mei), p. 263-284
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